How do you capture your flow? Have you ever thought about trying out different period products to capture your menstrual flow? Are you aware of the different products available in the market to capture your flow? Their advantages or disadvantages?

Based on our research, more than 90% of girls 9-17 do not choose the materials they use to capture their menstrual flow themselves. Rather, they use whatever materials their mothers provide. The lack of experimentation is sometimes the result of a lack of resources to do so, a lack of information about the available options, and other times because it is a subject that is simply not discussed.

The products girls are introduced to at menarche tend to become the norm for them, and norms are notoriously difficult to change --especially when they are related to something that societally is still not discussed openly but is rather shrouded in mystery and treated as taboo.

Among our Know Your Flow program objectives is the aim to destigmatize periods and to empower women through education and information related to menstrual health and hygiene. We have prepared the table below to equip women and girls with more information so that they can make an informed choice about how to capture their flow. 

Keep in mind cost, safety, comfort and environmental impact when making your choice. 

Bekim Betoni Rauseo

Hi!👋 Caribbean strategist focused on regional development of creative industry business.

Always happy to lend an ear to those seeking to understand the Caribbean’s digital cultures. And currently on the lookout for sharp business partner to help me take my company to the next level. Transforming the Caribbean’s publishing industry is my mission and needless to day it is daunting work. All conversations that align here are welcomed.🙂